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By clicking "Place your order", you agree to the policies listed below.
Policies for Royal Oak High School Drama Club
Refund and Exchange Policy
Ludus offers patrons the option to protect their purchase and apply for a refund If a patron's reason for needing a refund falls within the terms of the Ludus Protect program. Does not cover event cancellations, postponements, or no longer wanting to attend. Patrons must choose this option at checkout (opt-in) — it is not automatically applied to orders. Selecting "Make my purchase refundable" at checkout is an acknowledgment that the purchase protection is offered through Ludus and not Royal Oak Schools. There are no refunds on tickets sold by Royal Oak High School Drama Club - all sales are final.

No ticket exchanges done on day of show (for that day's show). Other exchanges can be made by contacting the box office (
General Policies
Please print your tickets or save them to your mobile device and present them upon arrival for admittance.
Students must be able to present I.D. upon request.
Senior "Gold Card" members must be able to present the card upon request.
Purchaser agrees to abide by Royal Oak Schools policies, as this is a school-sponsored event.